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the board.

The Hide Tower Resident Management Board (TMO) is currently made up of tenants and leaseholders. It is going through a transition period at the moment whereby some longstanding members are leaving, and new members are joining. The full list of board members will be updated when this transition period is complete. In the meantime, the following members are in our management positions:


Chair - Mr Danny Bresnihan


Secretary - Miss Fatma Matoq


Treasurer - Ms B Grasberger


Estate Manager - Mrs Coral Gerald


Any resident living in Hide Tower is welcome to apply to join the board, provided they have joined the Residents Association and their application has been supported by a current board member. 


BAME are currently underrepresented on the Hide Tower RMB, so new applications from these groups are particularly encouraged. 


If you're interested, pop in to the office to find out more, or email us!

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