Due to Mayor Sadiq Khan's shutting down of many underground stations, and people being required to work from home unless they're essential workers like those in the frontline services and retail sectors, the Hide Tower office staff, Pauline Addison and Sabrina Francis, will be working from home until told otherwise.
During office hours, Hide Tower staff are still contactable on the office number - 020 7630 1129.
Outside of these hours, and only in an emergency, Pauline and Sabrina can be contacted on the following:
Pauline Addison, Housing Manager:
Mobile 0744249669
email: paddison@westminster.gov.uk
Sabrina Francis, Housing Assistant:
Mobile 07932241545
email: sfrancis@westminster.gov.uk
Other Personnel
Carlos De-Almeida, Cleaner
Mobile 07481866339
Please contact the above in an emergency, and not Westminster City Council.